This past weekend, Hollyland held its first Hollyland Academy alongside its first Brand Day in North America. Hollyland hosted an event at CinePacks Studio where attendees could come and learn impactful and new skills from industry professionals. With the people in attendance, there was designed times and areas for people to mingle and network. With two giveaways during the event, we saw two people take home some Hollyland products after a night of fun and education.

With special guest, Justin Jones, he taught a class assisting all future and current filmmakers. Justin Jones is a Director of Photography and has worked on numerous film projects and music videos. With an in depth presentation on how to plan and set your scene,Justin produced a live example of how to use Previs in Blender for speciality motion. Guests were able to see his thought process in real time and how he communicates with the operator to create motions you can see in music videos and in action shots. The CinePacks Studio was the place to be that night as there were multiple sets for people to browse through, a product table to be hands on with Hollyland gear, food, drinks, and more.

We appreciate everyone who came out to the event and those who made it great! We hope to have even more next year as Hollyland continues to grow its reach and exceed expectations. As we prepare for Brand Day next year, we hope to partner with our friends in the industry as well. See you next year!